Italian Technology Awards 2019

The Italian Technology Award Program is comprised of a competition asking upper level students attending premier United States universities to submit a paper on the relative innovation taking place in mechanical engineering related industries and the issues they face. The aim of the program is to enrich the engineering education of students and to advance knowledge on issues of importance within the industries of Metalworking and Glassworking to the next generation of engineering professionals.
Winners of the Italian Technology Awards (ITA), per each of the two (2) award programs, selected as having the best submissions, will be awarded a ONE-week trip to Italy with activities scheduled November 10th – 17th, 2019. Students and selected faculty, will visit top Italian companies in the industries involved per each program, take part in an advanced educational program at the Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC along with a number of cultural activities in various Italian cities.
The US trip is part of the international program Italian Technology Awards. The ITA is sponsored by the Italian Trade Agency, via its Chicago Office, UCIMU-SISTEMI PER PRODURRE (Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machine Tools, Robots, Automation Systems and Ancillary Products – and GIMAV (Italian Association of Glass-Processing Machinery and Accessory Suppliers - and in the United States, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) who is the local partner for the Italian Machine Tool Technology and Italian Glass working Machinery Technology programs.